#useless games

Making games by gamers, for gamers just for the fun of it.


#useless games are made by me. I am a producer for a big, passionate, super talented game team during the day and a lonely indie game dev by night... and weekend. I love games and I love making games and so when I am not working on great blockbusters with the team, I love to actually explore the possibilities offered by the Unity Game Engine and make things move and shake and explode and crash - not necessarily in that order.

All the games by #useless games are designed and coded by me. Just for the art I prefer to look for people who are much better at it than me for now. Like the great folks at synty studios whose awesome asset packs I love to use.


I have been in game development for nearly two decades and thus there are a few things I can do to help out fellow game devs with:

  • Advice and practical experience on game design, development, and production topics
  • Development experience with agile principles not just frameworks
  • Connections, recommendations and introductions
  • An opinion

I also sometimes release my games and can send you links to where to find them. However, I do NOT give out keys or freebies to people I do not have a personal relationship with. Never. EVER! Asking will get you on the spam list - I am serious.

However unless you want try to smooch free games off me, you are more than welcome to reach out and get in touch on social media.

Get in touch


Meaning boring legal stuff I have to put here because I live in Germany...

#useless games and #useless games studio are fantasy brands of:

  • Wolfgang Siebert
  • Am Nottefließ 9
  • 15711 Königs Wusterhausen, Germany
  • www.uselesss.games

  • Phone: +49 3375 210468
  • contact@uselesss.games

Editorial responsibility according to §55 RStV:

  • Wolfgang Siebert
  • Am Nottefließ 9
  • 15711 Königs Wusterhausen, Germany